Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Farming with Fflur

Haven't played "Heledd" for a week or so, since I transferred her to my main's server (and had to change her name in the process, making this blog's title a bit irrelevant). Once her rested bonus was used up I switched back to my main, Fflur, a level 80 rogue that I've been playing, on and off, for nearly two years. During those two years, with the exception of some boosts with a friend and a couple of runs through the Nexus, Fflur has been played pretty much solo. That may change some time in the future -- if I get sick of looking at her gear, for instance -- but since I've recently decided to go for the Insane in the Membrane Feat of Strength, she's going to be a lonely rogue for at least a little while longer.

I've already got most of the required reputations into "revered", and am currently working on pushing the four goblin reps up to exalted, by farming pirates near Ratchet initially. No, I haven't done the Bloodsail grind yet, and I realise there's no official consensus on whether you need to be Honored with them at the same time as being Revered with the various goblin towns, but from what I've been able to stitch together, it seems more likely than not that doing things this way around (i.e. getting exalted with goblins first, then trashing that rep to work on Bloodsail, and finally repairing goblin rep by handing in cloth) should work.

If it doesn't, and I have to grind goblin rep all the way from Hated back to Exalted, I won't be very happy, but it's worth the gamble. Since I've already got Loremaster and Seeker titles, I've obviously completed just about every quest the goblins can throw at me - it'd be a shame to waste all that good rep. I reckon I'm about 75% certain that this is going to work.

The other (relatively minor) controversy around grinding Insane goblin rep, is whether doing the Dire Maul quest Free Knot! is more effective than simply farming the pirates in the Barrens, Tanaris and/or STV. The main argument seems to be that since you're going to need to farm Libra in DM anyway, for the Shen'dralar hand-ins, you might as well pick up the "free" goblin rep while you're there. Having done a few DM runs yesterday, I've decided to go for the pirates instead. The drop-rate for the Libra is tiny (I've had 1 drop in four complete clears of DM North), and DM is such a slow instance in terms of downtime and running between mobs, that I reckon I can make more money running Stratholme (for the Baron's mount), and just buy the Libra on the AH. One bonus of farming in the Barrens, is the (admitedly tiny) possibility of finding Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight - I've had one drop so far, and with a selling price of over 2k on my server, that's worth between 6 and 8 of the various Libra I've been buying. If it sells, of course.

To break the monotony of farming trivial mobs, I've taken to collecting "junk" armor sets. The Warped Leather "set" I'm wearing in the screenshot is such a nice looking collection that I might keep it for fishin' purposes.

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